The time of my life is I and I in this day and the next as well.
If life is sorrow and hate,
love is light in I and I,
and this is I in light and love of the beloved
for the accomplishment of its duty of light and I in love.
The light and I in I and I is sacred light,
and it is our duty of love and light to preserve it in I and I.
This day and the next will be day of I and I in trouble and I
since I and I is sacredness dragged down to profanity and I.
I and I is light and love of the beloved,
and thus I and I should be kept in sacredness and I.
This is message of my master of love and light
in this day and the eternity of I.
I love you my creator for I and I is I and I through time of my life.
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